Tuesday 11 August 2015

Qttie x SG50: Ice Kachang

Singapore's beloved dessert – the ice kachang has evolved into many versions over the years, from the ice balls coated with colored sugar coated syrups in the 1950s and 1960s to the modern ice kachang. 

This popular dessert is a humble concoction of shaved ice, red beans, sweet corn, grass jelly and cubes of agar-agar, colored with syrup and topped with a final squirt of evaporated milk. 

The bright pink color is the rose syrup that gives the sweetness to the dessert.

The shaved ice is typically hand-cranked with a traditional ice machine and is one of our most-loved desserts for its sweet simplicity. Some of our most lasting and iconic dishes were borne out of necessity and ingenuity and the ice kachang is definitely one of them! 

Did you know, the first version of the Ice Kacang (circa 1950s) came as ice balls - finely grated ice packed into a ball and topped with a type of coloured sugar coated syrup, typically eaten with just the fingers or hands.

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